Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Catholics Dont Play this HAARP

"When the great time will come, in which mankind will face its last, hard trial, it will be foreshadowed by striking changes in nature; the alteration between cold and heat will become more intensive, storms will have more catastrophic effects, earthquakes will destroy greater regions and the seas will overflow many lowlands. Not all of it will be the result of natural causes, but man will penetrate into the bowels of the earth and will reach into the clouds, gambling with its own existence. Before the powers of destruction will succeed in their design, the universe will be thrown into disorder, and the age of iron will plunge into nothingness. When the nights will be filled with more intensive cold and the day with heat, a new life will begin in nature. The heat means radiation from the earth, the cold the waning light of the sun. Only a few more years and you will become aware that sunlight has become perceptibly weaker. When even your artificial light will cease to give service, the great event of the firmament will be near.”

Johannes Friede was an Austrian monk of the order of Saint John. He was known during his time as having the gift of prophecy and made several other startling predictions aside from what is written above. However it is this specific prophecy that I believe bears further scrutiny given the extreme weather conditions we are currently experiencing. On the surface most people would pass this off as a warning about the effects of over-industrialization or what is now being called Global Warming, a theory that has been proven to be a total fraud. I do not believe Johannes is speaking about high levels of CO2. What this prophecy alludes to is something much more dangerous and a clear example of mankind gambling with its own existence.
  • Currently we are experiencing some of the most catastrophic and severe weather patterns the world has seen in centuries. Right now we have the following taking place all over the world:
  • In early February the worst freeze in 60 years wiped out entire crops all across the southwestern U.S. and northern Mexico. Already, it has been reported that some U.S. supermarkets have doubled or even tripled prices for certain produce items.
  • It is being reported that due to the recent horrible freeze in Mexico cases of tomatoes that would usually cost shop owners between 12 and 15 dollars are now going for up to $40.
  • One of China’s key agricultural provinces is facing its worst drought in 200 years.
These are just a few examples of what the world is experiencing. We have also seen record cold temperatures in Europe, catastrophic winter weather in the US, and the worst flooding Australia has ever seen. I believe this will only continue to get worse as mankind nears its last hard trial foretold at Fatima and Akita, Japan.
There is another aspect to this that you will not find mentioned or discussed anywhere in the media. Weather modification could prove to be one of the most catastrophic weapons ever designed by man. Johannes, almost 800 years ago, predicted with stunning accuracy what we would eventually attempt, penetrating the bowels of the earth and reaching into the clouds to disrupt not only weather patterns but actually create natural disasters. A Swiss company, Meteo Systems, has already created several documented rain showers in areas of Abu Dhabi that hardly ever see rain. China has also been testing rockets that help control weather patterns and actually used them during the summer Olympics. Some might say that the ability to create rainfall would be one the greatest breakthroughs in science, but as always you can guarantee this God-like technology will remain in the hands of the elite. If you can create rainfall can you not also prevent it?

Creating rainstorms is just the tip of the iceberg in regards to manipulating the planet. In 1976, a UN treaty was signed banning the use of weather modification weapons. One would have to ask, why sign a treaty for a technology that doesn’t exist? Well the answer is you wouldn’t. Nikola Tesla was the first scientist to ever create an earthquake machine and you can read about it here. This was in 1897, and it is now potentially being tested on grand scale in massive laboratories around the world. The United Sates has one of these facilities in Alaska known as HAARP. It was reported by Russian Intelligence that the earthquake in Haiti this past year was a test run for a potential strike against Iran. This will likely never be confirmed but it is worth noting since the technology to carry out such an attack has been proven to exist for quite some time.
Governments are now admitting that “geo-engineering” is taking place even though they had denied it for decades. The practice of spraying the atmosphere, which creates what are known as chemtrails, has been going on for quite some time. For decades it was ignored by the media and denied by governments around the world. However so much evidence has surfaced it has become impossible to hide the truth.
It is very likely that the long term consequences of such actions have not been sufficiently studied, leaving us vulnerable to unfathomable consequences, not to mention the wrath of God for this sin against nature. As man continues its attempts to play God in all areas of science we can only wonder if it will be our eventual undoing.
It is hard to deny that this 12th century prophecy is warning us about the very consequences of these actions. The prophecy also mentions an end of the “iron age” which has been predicted by untold numbers of Catholic saints. It is very clear that the world will eventually return to an agrarian society and simpler way of life. This is something which most faithful Catholics will welcome with open arms. This coincides with the Era of Peace promised by the Blessed Mother. While we are forced to quietly endure the end of this era, we should all look with great hope and anticipation to the fulfillment of the promises made in Fatima, The Reign of the Immaculate Heart.

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